Struggling with Etsy sales? Do this!!

Understanding how to market your product on Etsy can be overwhelming! Especially in a saturated niche/market. But it doesn’t have to be a struggle to get sales! I’ve been selling online for over 8 years, and I have some tried and true practices to help grow your sales:

  • Have a rich SEO listing title
  • Use an eye-catching, clean and professional-looking main listing photo
  • Clearly describe your product
  • Make it OBVIOUS what the product is and how it’s used
  • Have multiple products in your shop (I recommend at least 30). Make sure all products are in the same niche.
  • Strive for high reviews and customer service
  • Use ads (and if they aren’t working, re-evaluate the suggestions above)

If you have all the above solid, you will make more sells! Struggling with Etsy sales will be no longer! I’ve done these things over and over and it works.

When I first got started in selling online, I sold on Etsy and eBay. I sold a product that wasn’t really in demand but I had my initial costs paid for in just 3 weeks of starting – so I was doing something right. Then as I grew and continued consistently, I was able to notice how my newer listings (which had better titles, photos, and descriptions) were making more sales than my older listings. All the products were essentially the same, just a different design. With each better and better listing, I continued to grow. I sold what my customers were wanting, not necessarily what I thought would sell well. Then as my market became saturated, I stood out for the reasons listed above. I stood out so well that I constantly deal with other sellers completely copying my design, listing photos, and title and description wording – word for word. Because what I do LEADS to sells. But the stealing issue is another email for another day..

My point is, selling online isn’t hard. Stop struggling with Etsy sales! You just have to know how to make it so your listings pop up on your customers searches.

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