The best advice for running a home-based business

The best advice I’ve received in regards to my home-based business has come from my husband. He gets me and understands me better than myself sometimes!

You see, I’m a total work-a-holic. I absolutely LOVE what I do. It is not hard for me to sit at my computer and work 8-10 hours straight. Honestly, it sounds a little like heaven to be able to do that. Kids are present when I work. Sitting at a computer desk in my office for just ONE hour uninterrupted is a blessing and rarity when my kids are at home.


Back in the beginning of my early business days, my schedule was a mess. Heck, I had a baby and a toddler and all the other responsibilities of mom and wife. I got to the computer when I could. Often, that was during evenings, weekends, and even Sundays. When orders came in, I felt like I HAD to do them NOW. Customers were waiting!

Before long, more orders were coming in and I was going crazy to fulfil them as soon as I saw it come in. It was ridiculous, but I was SO excited that people were purchasing my product! And as exciting as that was, I was stressing myself out and taking that stress out on my family – which is no bueno.

The solution

My husband told me enough was enough. He said, because you work from home, you need to set a schedule of when you’ll be done working for the day. He saw that I was completely unorganized and a mess. Which in turn, stressed me out and made me unhappy.

home based business time planning
Woman writing on her daily planner

Determined to get my home-based business and myself right, I created a schedule and it changed everything for the better. As soon as my orders were fulfilled on Friday, I was done. As soon as 11am (I worked mornings only) came around, I was done. And if I got another moment later on in the day where I could do some more, then I could do that. Planning on an actual paper planner works wonders for me, but using an online planner or even your smartphone is awesome!

Since then, everything has run a lot more smoothly. Productivity is up because I know I have to be done at a certain time. The few hours in my office are crucial to have complete focus and be all in.

Customers can wait until Monday morning to hear from me. My sanity as a mom and wife are very important! If I’m not taking care of my needs, then my family’s needs are not being met appropriately. Nobody likes a crazy stressed-out mom.

My advice to you if you are starting a home-based business, or if you’re working from home: set your work hours. It’s so easy to get side tracked when you’re at home. Set when you begin your work, when you stop for the day, and when you end for the week. Block out that time to focus just on work and the house and the kids and yourself. Relax and know that interruptions will happen and that’s ok!

Get it girl!

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