
Today is the beginning of At Home Pixels. I am super excited about this project. There are a lot of plans in the works for this website and it’s going to be amazing. It is my hope that I can help just one person (hopefully more!) as things get rolling along within the next few months and years.

My name is Teria, and I am a font and visual design addict. I am kind of a jack-of-all trades when it comes to digital design. Since I was a teenager, I’ve been doing some sort of designing. Design is my passion. Being able to create something is God-given. My soul thrives on being able to create. God didn’t bless me with the hands-on talents of being able to draw, paint, sculpt, bake, construct, etc., but He did bless me with the thrill of creating something on a computer. It is my hope that you can read my words and feel my passion. Creating is something that gives me joy. There’s something about it that clears my overcrowded mom-brain. I’m more focused and when the project is complete, it’s extremely rewarding to me.

The result of learning and growing personally in graphic design, photography, and web design, is that I have been able to create a successful home-based business – all in the comforts of my own home. It’s time to let the things I’ve learned out into the world. I’m able to stay at home with my children and do what I love to do. It’s hard, but this crazy chaotic life is exactly perfect.

Join me and learn something along the way. It’s going to be epic.

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