My biggest AHA moments of 2019

The last few months, I’ve had quite a few people take notice of the change I’ve been going through. They notice I’m more active on social media and assertive in my business plans. My biggest AHA moments in 2019 completely changed the way I think and the way I’m now moving forward with my goals. Even though this may sound like a personal post, I am confident that there are treasures for anyone wanting to improve their life and/or business

#1 – Social Media break

quitting social media - deleting apps

I took a social media break for over a month. It completely changed everything. What I learned from breaking from social media is one of my biggest AHA moments for 2019. I’ve done breaks before in the past, but this one was different. I was doing it with the purpose of figuring out my next steps. At the time, I felt like I was crawling at a snail’s pace to get to my goals, yet at the same time – frantically busy. I knew what I wanted, just lacked a direction of how to get there.

I was listening to a YouTube video and they were talking about how to take back your time. That our cell phones are constantly distracting us so we don’t end up getting any real work done. He had deleted all of his social media apps and turned off all notifications – including phone calls. It hit me so hard that within a few minutes of watching that video, I deleted all my social apps. After a month of feeling completely rejuvinized and ready with a plan, I ONLY put back on Instagram (my main social media app of choice).

If you’ve never taking a social media break, you should. You’ll be surprised what it can do for your mental health and clarity.

#2 – Reading again

During my break with social media, I had a surprisingly amount of extra time on my hands. I began to read (which I LOVE) when previously I never seemed to have time to actually read *facepalm*. The knowledge and expertise of the authors have truly inspired me to be the better person and entrepreneur that I know I’m capable of.

Here are a few books that changed my world:

#3 Rich vs Poor mentality switch

John Crestani, a self-made millionaire, put out a video of what rich people do vs what poor people do. Needless to say, I was more on the poor side of things in terms of my mentality and productivity. My biggest takeaway from his video what that rich people create and poor people consume.

I am a creator – that’s what I literally do for a living. Creating graphics and selling them in vinyl or digitally online is what I love. So I need to do more of those things! This platform at At Home Pixels is giving me another avenue to create. I am excited to throw myself into helping other women and stay-at-home moms learn how to create and then make a profit from those creations!

#4 Prioritizing my time and tasks

# 2 – At the beginning of the year, I was listening to a podcast called “Do it Scared” by Ruth Soukup. I wish I could remember which episode it was, but basically she talked about planning and prioritizing. She said something like, “if we don’t prioritize our time properly to the attaining of our goals, we will never meet them”. In other words, if we busy ourself with all of life’s other distractions (social media, busy work, constant answering of emails, etc), then we will NEVER reach our goals. Our steps and actions that we take to reach our goals should be priority #1 in our day.

She broke down how to do this by assigning our to-do list into 3 categories. A, B, and C tasks. A tasks are the to-do’s that will get us closer to reaching our goal. Always do the A tasks. During this year, A tasks have taken a higher priority.

It hasn’t been easy though. Because while my A tasks call to create a blog post or You Tube video, my laundry needs to be done, dinner needs to be made, and decals need to be shipped. I’m only one person so I rearranged the way I get my decal orders completed. I hired my sister-in-law to help me with custom designs for customers. And I’ve committed to myself to reach my weekly to-do’s that will get me closer to my goals.

I knew all of this all year, but it wasn’t until my social media break that I decided to actually follow those guidelines. Because of that, I’ve done more in the past two months than I did the rest of the year! And because I have seen firsthand the amazing results, it has been another one of my biggest AHA moments of 2019.

# 5 Starting Ugly

In March of this year, I purchased a course to help me in this blogging journey. It’s now December and it pains me to admit I’ve created 24 posts (half of those being done in the last two months). You see, I’ve been held up on being perfect. This blog needed to look perfect. I went through so many revisions and changes. And I still don’t love it. But you know what? It’s time to move on and create. To do it ugly and get better overtime.

Whenever anyone starts something new, it’s not pretty or perfect. But that’s ok! Here I am, a real life example of someone doing just that. Moving on, trusting in my goals, and creating content and figuring out how to get it to look more perfect as I go on.

I’m sure one day I’m going to look back at some of these early posts and videos and laugh so hard. I’ll cringe a little. And that’s ok. At least I did it. Because if I never did, I wouldn’t be looking back at anything at all. I hope my biggest AHA moments of 2019 helped inspire you for a better 2020.

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